Winter Training Week
The SBOA is proud to present the Winter Training Week Winter Training Week March 4-8 2024 in Saskatoon. “Plans Examination” and “Part 3 Complex buildings” are the courses [...]
The SBOA is proud to present the Winter Training Week Winter Training Week March 4-8 2024 in Saskatoon. “Plans Examination” and “Part 3 Complex buildings” are the courses [...]
We are hosting a week of training sessions in Saskatoon and Regina. You can come for the full week or choose the 2-day option. There is more information on our upcoming events page.
Register now for 1, 2, or 3 webinars about energy efficiency, code compliance, and building envelope in commercial buildings on February 25, March 3 and March 9, 2021.
President Chris Gates is proud to announce that Building Officials in Saskatchewan have a new path to becoming a licensed Building Official.
Register now for one or more free webinars by SK Heritage Conservation Branch to be held on February 23 to March 4, 2020.
Register now for a free one-hour webinar by AGF Manufacturing about changes to the 2016 NFPA 13 to be held on February 9, 2020.
The Kilo Lima Code School ( course “Life Safety Systems Inspections, Testing, and Maintenance” is now available.
The 2020 Winter Training Week is just around the corner. We have posted information about it here. Be sure to check it out.
SK Building Standards is offering half-day workshops on the NECB 2017 and NBC 2015 Section 9.36., in Regina on November 26 and in Saskatoon on December 3. For more information and to register [...]
The City of Medicine Hat is offering a free, half-day training session on the NECB 2017. RSVP by November 1 is required to reserve a spot.