To set construction standards for buildings, the Province of Saskatchewan adopts and amends the National Building Code of Canada, the National Fire Code, and the National Plumbing Code, all of which are published by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes. The applicable Saskatchewan legislation and some related enactments are listed below.

The Province of Saskatchewan also adopts by legislation other safety codes and standards that apply to electrical, gas, propane, boilers and pressure vessels, amusement rides.

By following the links below, you will be leaving the SBOA website, and going to Publications Saskatchewan, where you can view Province of Saskatchewan forms, legislation, ministry/agency publications, news releases and orders in council.

F-15.11 – Fire Safety Act

An Act respecting Fire Safety, Fire Prevention and Emergency Response Services and making consequential amendments to other Acts

C-11.1 – Cities Act

An Act respecting Cities and making consequential amendments to certain other Acts

C-11.2 – City of Lloydminster Act

An Act respecting the City of Lloydminster

M-36.1 – Municipalities Act

An Act respecting Rural Municipalities, Towns, Villages and Resort Villages and making consequential amendments to other Acts

P-13.2 – Planning and Development Act, 2007

An Act respecting Planning and Development in Municipalities

S-15.1 – Saskatchewan Employment Act

An Act respecting Employment Standards, Occupational Health and Safety, Labour Relations and Related Matters and making consequential amendments to certain Acts